Friday, March 18, 2011

addendum to a citizen's state of the union

clip taken from campaignforliberty

On Thursday, March 17, 2011, Congressman Ron Paul spoke on the U.S. House floor in support of legislation to bring troops home from Afghanistan by December 31, 2011.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

a citizen's state of the union

THE IMMEDIATE ISSUE affecting each american and every citizens of the world, is the united states illegal occupation, which some erroneously refer to as wars, in the both distant theaters of afghanistan and iraq. the simultaneous seizure of these sovereign nations by the u.s. military and its select contractors, is explicitly unconstitutional, unethical, unsustainable furthermore, un-winnable. these compelling reasons, should move conscious citizens to deliberate action in protest to crimes committed abroad in our name, under our flag. the consequences of inaction is the burdensome responsibility of blood guilt. yes, blood on our hands. for people are dying, not tempestuous terrorists, nor enigmatic evil-doers, but real people - red blooded as you or i, everyday and it will not end, until we demand it cease!
a patriot's duty is to the rule of law. it is unpatriotic to support an unconstitutional or otherwise illegal act of government, including war. article i, section 8, clause 11 of the u.s. constitution, states:

[congress shall have power...] to declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water;

no auxiliary code supersedes the law, as it is written, in the u.s. constitution. in order to change the laws within, the constitution must be either amended or abolished. congress never declared war on either afghanistan or iraq. therefore, the conflicts on both fronts cannot justifiably be labeled as wars, nor funded as such. complicit in the perpetration of the bush/obama administration's prosecution of afghanistan and iraq is the mainstream press, who attempt to validate these illegalities by referring to them legitimately as wars, so too congress.

congress, for some time, has failed in its responsibility to declare wars. all u.s. military adventures, post world war ii, have been unconstitutional, undeclared conflicts, with ambiguous ends, no clear exit strategies much less decisive victories. our current engagements in the middle east are one of the longest, costliest military entanglements in american history.

if the congress, the executive and the judicial branches of our government do not keep to their constitutional oaths of office, to preserve the constitution, then the responsibility falls to us, the people. as citizens, it is our duty, to "preserve, protect and defend" to "support and defend" the constitution, the same as any elected official, through civil means, namely, our fundamental rights of expression; speech, assembly, protest and vote. else-wise, we are a nation of lawless traitors who have acquiesces our responsibilities and rights to fascist lobbyists who have, in so many ways, bought our representatives.

the economic crisis that has devastated the u.s., is only compounded when we continue to support through our voice, vote and wallet, the illegal occupations of middle eastern lands. as tax payers, where is the outrage? hundreds of billions of our dollars are being wasted literally while unemployment and foreclosures continue with no end in view.

the proposed budget cuts of 6-60 billion dollars, by democrats and republicans respectfully, are equally unconscionable when put into perspective of our increasing trillion dollar deficit. however, washington continues to play partisan politics which effectively steal attention from real budget issues, the same as they have so stealthily stolen our wealth. defense, health care, trade, energy and banking are the issues! period. starting with defense and military troops abroad. they must come home, immediately! the fact that neither side is approaching the problem  seriously with solutions in mind, demonstrates to me one of two possibilities, absolute ineptness which i doubt, or what's more probable, absolute collusion or colloquially speaking, corruption. 

the occupation, as it has continued for near a decade, is systematically defrauding the people of the united states out of our character, blood, treasure and reputation, not to the benefit of any people here or there, but into the pockets of war profiteers. end the occupations, demand it.