Friday, February 11, 2011

in recognition of egypt

i was so inspired by the events of today, the willpower of the egyptian people to affect change, non-violently, on such a large scale to force the resignation of president hosni mubarak, that i felt it i would post a simple piece of poetry i have composed in their honor. it shall also serve as an introduction into the subject of freedom, which i plan to explore in the wake on egypt's revolution.


congruent, conscientious commaraderie continues clear, cross countries, capitols, cosmopolitan cities, communities congregate, celebrate compassionate charity, counter-culture contraries cry, “counter-establishment!”, conceptualization comes closer corporeality, circle complete.

to the people of egypt and revolutionaries across the earth.

Monday, February 7, 2011


interesting discussion, of two furthermore interesting personalities, noam chomsky and william f. buckley, circa 1969, concerning u.s. foreign policy in particular terrorism, interventionism and imperialism, which applies mightily to 21st century world events.